Since 2005, Fire Alarm System And Fire Suppression System Manufacturer&Whole Solution Provider
We supply whole fire alarm and suppression system include conventional fire alarm system, addressable fire alarm system, emergency light system, FM200 gas suppression system, fire pump, fire hose reel and cabinet.
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Home > Products > Conventional Fire Alarm Control System LPCB Approved

LPCB EN54 approve conventional smoke detector AW-CSD381
AW-CSD381 is conventional photo-electronic smoke detector uses a state of-the-art optical sensing chamber. This detector is designed to provide open area protection and to be used with most convention...
Fire Alarm System
- Conventional Fire Alarm Control System LPCB Approved
- Addressable Fire Alarm Control System LPCB Approved
- Two Wire Addressable Fire Alarm Control System
- Wireless Fire Alarm System
- Explosion proof Fire Alarm System
- Linear Heat Detection System
- Smoke Detector
- Weater-Proof Fire Alarm System
- Aspirating smoke detection system
- Detector Test Equipment
- 2100/2189 series Addressble Fire Alarm System
- Wireless conventional fire alarm system
- Fire Telephone System
- Voice Evacuation System
- Centralized monitoring emergency luminaire system
- Conventional emergency light
- FM-200 Fire Suppression System
- Gas extinguishing control system
- Foam fire extinguishing system
- CO2 fire suppression system