Kenya Kisumu Maranda High School Project
Project Location: Kenya Kisumu
Building name: Maranda High School 
Finishing data: Aug,2015.
Main products: Addressable fire alarm control system AW-AFP2100, Addressable Smoke Detector, Manual Call Point, Flash Sounder

Introduction: Maranda high school is a boarding school, all of its students are boys. As Kenya's top three high school, Maranda has a long history. Most of its building was built fifty years ago, and there was no any fire alarm system. In their student dormitory, more than 50 boys are living in a big room.  It will be very dangerous, if fire happens. In this project, we installed addressable smoke detectors, manual call points and flash sounders in each dorm room and laboratory. Now the fire alarm system is running well. Everytimes review the satisfied smile faces from the school administrators, teachers, students and their parents, we feel very gratified.


Maranda high school

2100 Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel/

Manual Call Point, Strobe Sounder