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Asenware FM-200 Fire extinguishing system
Asenware FM-200 Fire extinguishing system
Asenware FM-200 Fire extinguishing system are designed for total flooding
to protect high value assets and normally occupied area where it is not suitable
to use CO2 or other harmful extinguishing agent. Main features for FM- 200
extinguishment are :
to protect high value assets and normally occupied area where it is not suitable
to use CO2 or other harmful extinguishing agent. Main features for FM- 200
extinguishment are :
• Colorless and non-toxic gas, suitable for normally occupied area, where there
is any chance of presence of human present, it is dangerous to use CO2. FM-200
is a hydrocarbon chemical agent, which contains no toxic compound and it does
not produce any harmful compound after reacting with any product of combustion.
is any chance of presence of human present, it is dangerous to use CO2. FM-200
is a hydrocarbon chemical agent, which contains no toxic compound and it does
not produce any harmful compound after reacting with any product of combustion.
• Perfectly suited to protect high value assets areas like telecommunication room,
control rooms etc. These area are sully occupied and contains a high assents, water
is not suitable to use as it may damage the electrical equipment and even a little fire
can shut down the facility and damage the business. FM-200 is one of the best solution
which extinguish the fire through chemical reaction and cooling effect and leaves no
residue after extinguishment.
control rooms etc. These area are sully occupied and contains a high assents, water
is not suitable to use as it may damage the electrical equipment and even a little fire
can shut down the facility and damage the business. FM-200 is one of the best solution
which extinguish the fire through chemical reaction and cooling effect and leaves no
residue after extinguishment.
• Electrically non-conductive and contains no particle or residue, which makes it
suitable for using in electrical and control rooms.
suitable for using in electrical and control rooms.
• Suitable for Class A , Class B and Class C fire. Asenware FM-200 System extinguish
the fire which are categorized in Class A , B and C.
the fire which are categorized in Class A , B and C.
• Extinguish fires rapidly : As discharge time is less than 10 second, it mixes in the
environment and make free radical to react with fire products and extinguish fire quickly.
environment and make free radical to react with fire products and extinguish fire quickly.
Asenware FM-200 Extinguishing System has two types of system.
Pre Engineered and engineered system.
1. Pre-Engineered or Cabinet System : It is a total flooding system, and it is designed
based on pre-determined maximum volume of hazard. and It can be easily move and
adjusted at any location in the hazard area.
based on pre-determined maximum volume of hazard. and It can be easily move and
adjusted at any location in the hazard area.
2. Engineered System or Manifold System : In manifold system, a suitable size of
manifold which is calculated based on the agent and volume, all tanks are connected
to manifold and then through piping distribution agent is discharged through nozzles
in the specific area.
manifold which is calculated based on the agent and volume, all tanks are connected
to manifold and then through piping distribution agent is discharged through nozzles
in the specific area.
Using selector valves, multiple hazard areas can be protected using a single
cylinder bank.
cylinder bank.
There are three modes of operation as listed below
• Automatic Operation
• Remote Manual Operation
• Local Manual Operation
1. Automatic Operation
1. Automatic Operation
When the control panel operate the solenoid valve upon receiving signal from detectors,
solenoid will actuate the cartridge after certain delay time ( if given ) and gas will discharge
into the hazard area.
solenoid will actuate the cartridge after certain delay time ( if given ) and gas will discharge
into the hazard area.
* With Asenware Gas Release Control Panel : Normally, the panel remains in ‘Auto’ position.
Upon receiving the signal from detectors , panel immediately released pre-discharge alarm
and turn off the HVAC or dampers if any. And then release the gas after pre-determined
delay period.
Upon receiving the signal from detectors , panel immediately released pre-discharge alarm
and turn off the HVAC or dampers if any. And then release the gas after pre-determined
delay period.
2. Remote Manual Operation
When the operation is performed by remote pull station, an appropriate pull station is
operated after detecting fire in the specific hazard area.
operated after detecting fire in the specific hazard area.
With Asenware Gas Release Control Panel : Asenware Gas Release panel additionally
provide manual operation from panel , one must put the key to ‘manual’ position. After
pushing the manual release located on the panel, gas will be released as operation
described above.
pushing the manual release located on the panel, gas will be released as operation
described above.
* All instruction for operation must be inscribed nearby pull station.
3. Local Manual Operation
In case of failure of automatic actuation, Asenware FM-200 system has the provision
to operate it manually. In this scenario, one must proceed to appropriate FM-200
cylinders arrangements for specific hazard area. Remove the safety pull pin from the
pilot cylinder as instructed on the nameplate. And pull the lever and gas will release

to operate it manually. In this scenario, one must proceed to appropriate FM-200
cylinders arrangements for specific hazard area. Remove the safety pull pin from the
pilot cylinder as instructed on the nameplate. And pull the lever and gas will release